
Mark McKay Head ShotAbout Mark McKay (CEO MJMcKay Corporation)   Mark is both a business problem-solver and a teacher.  He is an expert in strategic implementation, in efficiency, and in service operations.  For more than 20 years he has been able to use his skills to assist organizations in the USA, Canada, and all over the world.

Mark excels in his ability to use his analytical skills to simplify complicated business situations. He has helped dozens of companies all over the world to grow their businesses while improving cash flow and reducing costs.  He was one of the first academics asked by the Boeing Company in the early 1990’s to create a Lean manufacturing curriculum for the company’s middle management.  The training that he created has since been used to teach Lean to thousands of participants.  He has also enjoyed his time discovering growth opportunities for giant corporations such as Microsoft Corporation, Starbucks, and Pfizer.  He has worked with government organizations, NGO’s, service organizations, and manufacturers. He has substantial experience successfully working with the particularly unique challenges of the family-owned business.

Nowadays, Mark’s main focus through MJMcKay Corporation is helping family-owned businesses simplify their business situations so they can thrive.

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